First...you can NOT get rid of everything (although a few things)
you need to scale down most areas.
Second, Kirk...where are you getting your numbers and how are you doing your math/accounting?
Because 2003 isn't over yet, it says that for 2002 we had a
$159 billion deficit.
And you don't just get rid of the whole thing with just one chop.
I'm not proposing, getting rid of the military, I do see the need for it.
I'm saying get rid of the projects & programs that were pipe dreams
The military has to stop looking at self-preservation,
and start looking at efficiency...and if you think the surrounding you have now are stark,
then get rid of the other things, and then redistribute a bit to your area.
(unfortunately, I know govt. spending doesn't work this way, but it could...here's to some hope)
Let's say you just do some simple math.
Take the $159 billion deficit from above
Then get rid of the pure spending subsidies list in the article I linked to above: 60 bil (because I hate them)
And not touching the non-military or past-military budget listed above (thank you, smooth)
You're saying that we can't find a bit over 99 billion (in unnecesary projects & pork)
out of a current military budget of 459 billion?
That would still leave a substantial amount of 360 billion.
(BTW...I'm SURE that we could easily find even more to wittle down out there, that's totally unnecessary...leaving even more)
I'd say that would be more than enough.
We'd be in the black, and we'd slowly gain significant amount over time
by attrition & paying on the deficit. (redistribution of payments)
Let's get the Republicans that are in control of congress & the administration,
to stop spending, and start trimming
like they spout off about.
(I want action, not words...I've got enough smoke up my ass to make a rack of ribs)
And yes, it might have to come from their pet projects.
And BTW, tell them to stay the fuck out my life too. (Mr. Ashcroft)