Originally posted by lordjeebus
In high school my friends and I used to take shots of Spirytus Rektifikowany, a 192 proof Polish spirit that was available for about 6-7 dollars for half a liter. We were rather cheap and rather stupid.
The instant it entered your mouth (assuming you didn't dump it down your throat), all the water from your cheeks and tongue would flush out into your oral cavity (osmosis in action!), giving you an intensely dry mouth even though there's liquid in there. At the same instant, you'd get an instant light-headed drunk feeling, presumably from alcohol entering the blood through your cheeks. This is before swallowing.
The burn is surprisingly mild. The drunken effects were very strong and fast, but wore off in 15 to 30 minutes, if only one shot was taken.
Oh damn, I just remembered I've still got some of this stuff in the liquor cabinet. Really strange what it does to the inside of your mouth straight, kind of like a dull spreading warmth.