It looks like everyone is framing their responses according to current uses and conceptions of guns. Couldn't something as simple as a tube, trigger, and projectile that travels about 4 inches suffice the needs of a terrorists hijacking something?
I don't remeber the physics but when I worked in a flooring store we used to have to explain the risks of stilleto heels to wood floor buyers. A 100 lb lady in stilleto heels can do more damage to a wooden floor than an elephant in a single step.
You can experiment on your hand like this: drop a sharpened pencil over your hand, palm up. Now drop a new, unsharpened (blunt/flat) pencil on your hand. Which one did the most damage (caused the most pain/discomfort)?
This is all to say that I envision that a sufficiently sharpened projectile, traveling at the right velocity (which may be achievable by such a simple mechanism as a some type of elastic band), aimed at a particularly vulnerable spot (soft, critical, etc.), and delivered at close enough range can kill someone.
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