I see the Iraq invasion as a good thing in the long run, helping to create a democracy in the middle East, and hopefully a domino effect. Now, they could have just told us that from the beginning, and not assume everyone is an idiot.
I'm not supporting the terrorists by any stretch of the imagination, so please take your "fuck you" back. I'm almost tempted to ask you to go fuck yourself, but that would be very rude of me.
The capability to take out bunkers is a good ace in the hole to have, but I also believe that you have to take other factors into account. Like massive human loss of life and nuclear holocaust. And not to mention that developing new nukes is equivalent to ripping the Nuclear test ban treaty into tiny shreds, and shitting on it while they are at it.
I'm not saying that the US is the bad guy. You've done pretty good, and I much prefer and respect the US to the French.. for example, who have pretensions to 'world leadership' but have jelly for balls. (and follow their wallets... ).
Originally posted by Mojo_PeiPei
I don't get the post ahead of mine... Perhaps because I'm drunk but still. Kim Jong is a goon, through and through... he has threatened America by Bathing us in a "holocaust of nuclear fire" or by selling weapons to these who would destroy us. I have no reservations about fucking his shit up.
the only problem with 'fucking his shit up' is that you have to stuff your cock into his ass, thus getting it dirty as well.
South Korea, Japan would probably be very much more affected by you reaming his shitty ass up. not very good for stability. So your option is to ignore him until you chose to nuke him??? which seems to be what the US is doing now.