breaking days
The light shows itself more clearly each day
and with every breath of air I now draw.
The shadows are lifted, my eyes can see again.
The similitude of this love dances; Light and Dark mingle.
The day is born.
I weep as I watch the night die - the stars are
corrupted into a pale blue sky.
The moon, a ghost in this phantom heaven,
sinks in the horizon of a new dawn.
And as I see this transformation of heaven and earth. I think of man.
I see you,
the endless heavens, beckoning,
and I,
this twirling ball of rock, left of no will of my own, but made to answer your call.
You have become the creator of light and of dark.
You have been allowed to dictate the blooming of my fruits
Or, the absolute of the 'dark night' of this soul.
Where as I used to gaze upon the wind, and see God, I now point my vision to you.
You are the new sun and the new moon.
The golden hour comes.