It almost sounds as if most of the people who have replied as "Republicans",
are actually more Libertarian.
Now that I can relate to...because if they don't go to extremes in their idealogy,
this is where I thought the Republicans would have been it they were like I used to believe.
And this doesn't include their moral "self-righteous" crusade they have catering to to "christian-conservatives"
And there has to be "some" progressive policies, because the government DOES need to help those who NEED help.
But some don't need help...they can help themselves.
Basically...the fat of government needs to be trimmed,
and believe it or not it's not the progressive programs that need cutting.
It's the military-industrial ones.
For example...if you just saw what Boeing got away with,
or the Army Corps of Engineers...geez...and that's just the tip of the ice burg.
With both main parties...I've seen much spending.
Dems with Agriculture & Unions
GOP with the military & corporate entities
it just differs where they spend it.
But don't give every "big guy" a loophole,
don't get rid of your income.
And it's one thing to have some debt...but to blow it away like we have.
We do need to keep things in perspective.
We do need to use some common sense.
And like when we keep our selves from getting that little something extra,
we should apply the same here
And like we keep ourselves from eating out all the time,
we should apply the same here
Just because it makes us feel good doesn't make it right,
just because the companies would like to have more profit doesn't many we should always make it easier.
But in the end...if you SAY it...then dammit DO it.
Don't say save, then spend
Don't spend, and then don't save.
There is a limit...when will it break?
Last edited by rogue49; 11-25-2003 at 04:31 PM..