Originally posted by twister002
I rented Vice City for the Xbox this weekend.
Boy am I glad I only rented it. The controls suck and despite the fact that it's touted for it's freedom, it's very linear. Get wasted, still have to complete the mission. Oh sure I can walk around and beat people up for money, but that's not going to get me anything big.
The driving is the worst so far (I'm on the 2nd or 3rd mission, whichever mission the pizza delivery boy mission is, I ram into the delivery boy knock him 100 feet from his scooter and by the time I get out of my car and run over to him he's back on his scooter. And that's only when I'm not pinballing off all the other cars or skidding into the water (what I can jump out of the car while it's still moving, but once the car goes underwater even with the hood and windshield gone I can't get out?)
It won't be getting my $50 that's for sure. Back to Halo and Brute Force.
That's odd, the GTA series is known for having one of the best if not THE best automobile physics in an adventure game. I'll admit that most of the vehicles suck, but that's simply because it's realistic. How many Ferrari's do ya see everyday?
The GTA series is known for the linear aspect
inside of missions, not necessarily outside of them. Sure, you can do side-missions, but ya still gotta do the main "quest" to beat it. Once you're in a mission is where it becomes incredibly non-linear though. Most missions are something like "get rid of this guy." Well...you can ram your car into his, set up a road block with other cars, throw grenades, snipe him out of the car, etc. The list goes on and on. How you beat the missions is what's non-linear about the game. The only truely non-linear game I've played is Morrowind, and you can't even beat it unless you do the main quest.
After you get used to the controls (and they do take some getting used to if you're not a racing fanatic), the driving is the best part. At the end of Vice City, I was easily able to race the last racing mission all the way through Vice City in the Comet without touching one pedestrian, hitting one light pole, or putting one dent in the car. That's while going at top speed as well. Like I said, it just takes some getting used to. I have to suggest that you give it another chance. It's not a game that you want to pass up because of a few beginner's frustrations. I think you'll like it once ya get used to the controls.