Originally posted by sixate
This is a no brainer. Viper first.
Here's why:
I'd want to be able to enjoy the performance of the Viper when I was young. When I'm an old fuck I probably won't be able to drive worth shit so why would I need a Viper when I'm old. Plus, if I had a Viper when I was 16 I wouldn't live to be 46. So I'd never have to drive a Yugo anyway.
What he said.
Really, why would you want to suffer with a Yugo when you are young. Girls would be all over you in a Viper, they would tell you to fuck off in a Yugo. Plus your skills, reflexes and coordiantion start to go away in your 40s and older, so you wouldn't be able to harness the Viper's full potential when you are old.
Edit: Crap, I must be losing my coordination, can't even spell it right.