I've grown up in a farming community and watched my friends families get moved from the farms that had been their grandparents and great grandparents because they couldn't compete with the factory farms. My family has bought meat directly from the farmers. At times a few of us would split up a cow between us. Paying the farmer directly and butcher it ourselves. I grew up being aware of where my food came from and I was taught to appreciate the animals that kept food on my table. We very often hunted and almost none of the deer ever went to waste. We used to even get our milk and eggs directly from the farmers who were friends of ours. We helped them when haying time came in thanks for the food that we were able to get at "wholesale" prices. Ever read "The Jungle"? It's somewhat outdated but it shows where the meat packing industry was going already many years ago. I can't always afford to organic meats but hunting and freezing deer meat helps me avoid the regular stuff. We also have a buffalo farm and restaurant in our town. I've worked for the owner and know what he does with his animals. It's much more expensive but I think any meat but the "beef" off the shelves at the market has so much more and better taste.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.