I had recurring sinus infections for years. Nasal saline is a good way to go. Afrin spray is a good way to get through several bad days but as someone said above it can lead to rebound. Flonase is a very good over-the-counter medication that helps to prevent some of the issues that cause sinus infections to form in the first place. Allergies are the primary culprit of having drainage and then things get all blocked up and an infection sets in. Flonase works to reduce allergies.
In my case, I had to have surgery to correct it. I had an abnormally small nasal passage and enlarge turbinates. They had to go in and shave down the turbinates and kind of break and reset the nose to get the passages evened out. It worked like a charm. I haven't had a nasal infection in almost 2 years now, and I can finally sleep at night without decongestants, etc.
If the infections are chronic, I suggest seeing an ears, nose & throat specialist.