Thread: Panic Attacks
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Old 11-25-2003, 05:44 AM   #36 (permalink)
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raeanna74's Avatar
Location: Upper Michigan
Originally posted by fuzzix I'm trying to overcome panic attacks/nervousness. I'd recommend staying away from prescribed drugs as they pretty much all have unwanted side effects. I've been experimenting with 'kava kava' which is a natural root ground up and drunk as a tea (tastes awful), but it's quite good for bringing on a calm feeling. It may be not be available in some places, but if you come across it, it's worth a try. It's not a miracle cure, but it helps, and it's better than fucking yourself up on dodgy conventional medicines.
You can also get Kava Kava in a pill form. It's side effects are truely much milder (or non existent) as compared to prescription medications. You still need to be careful and treat it like a medication. My mother learned the hard way that Kava Kava does not go well with the other herb St. John's Wort. Also if you take Valerian Root it can multiply the effect of Kava Kava. Read all you can about these herbs and treat them with respect just as you should other medications.

Originally posted by HalxTonight in psych class, we went over some disorders. Panic attacks were the triggers for many of them. I'm not gonna diagnose ya or anything, but you may wanna talk this over with a professional.
Tell me more about this. Do you mean that Panic Attacks CAUSE these other disorders or are caused BY them? What kind of disorders? I know with my panic attacks - they are triggered by a set of circumstances that mirror what happened immediately prior to a traumatic experience 2 years ago. I have felt a small amount of guilt about the event and since I acknowledged it to myself and my family I have not had another attack. Not saying that I won't but it feels good to me.
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