I take the stance that since no religion can be proven (beyond pre-planned responses to questions that have been asked since religion's beginning, which make conversations with preachers extremely frustrating), I simply won't choose one.
Chances are, when we have a definitive answer to the universe, we still won't be able to wrap our heads around it, so don't bog yourself down with specifics. Just try to live a good life, a life that does something to contribute to the advancement of the human race.
Originally posted by The_Dude
i dont hate people that practice it (although deep inside i think they're all stupid)
This kind of statement gives atheists a bad name (although most atheists I've met hold this belief). A person searching for a deeper meaning in life is not a stupid one. A person who completely rules out all religion because the organizations are fucked may be. Don't claim intellectual superiority simply because you have ruled out religion from your universe.