Originally posted by yellowgowild
For those of you who think he will get off by throwing money around, you're wrong. Right after he did that last time, they passed a law that wont let him pay off an accuser until all is done with the courts.
That law gave the courts the ability to stop the legal proceedings associated with a civil trial if it may impact a criminal trial. There is no way for the prosecution to compel the testimony of the alleged victim if the victim and/or his parents don't wish him to testify. If MJ decided to pay the "victim" off he could always just put some cash in an account in the Cayman's or somewhere and when the boy refuses to testify, the funds are released.
Of course, I am of the opinion that he will be vindicated and I think the last thing he will do after the public relations fiasco of the last time is settle. I just wanted to point out that there are ways around the new law and that it isn't as broad in scope as the prosecutor and the media make it out to be.