Originally posted by Phaenx
I'm pissed at them is what. They keep releasing the dumbest most boring games after FF7. Their goals have gone from producing good quality products to pushing out as much shit as they can, because they know millions of fans they hooked on their good products will buy it because it's final fantasy.
FFXI, case in point. 60 dollars, 12 dollars a month, understandable for a mmorpg (a very bad mmorpg), but they take it one further and say you get one character, but have to pay an extra dollar a month for another one. Dumb, that's on par with Sony in terms of money whoring, except their game was somewhat entertaining. FFX-2, what the hell? I refuse to speak of it, I will focus rather on sending Square nasty letters.
In short, I hope they all die except Nobuo Uematsu.
Dumb, boring games after FFVII? You must be talking about The Bouncer or that really shitty racing game they released. The latter Final Fantasy's are more polished, better translated, and just as fun as FFVII. I think what everyone misses about FFVII is the truely amazing character design/dialogue. The only Final Fantasy that has been on-par with FFVII character designs is FFX. I'm still trying to determine if it's better than FFVII...
I've never played a Final Fantasy worth ridicule. FF8 had plot issues, but it was still one fantastic game compared to the other games on PS1. Just because the later FF's don't have Cloud, Barret, Red XIII, and the rest of the gang doesn't mean they're bad games. I try to treat them as seperate games since they have nothing to do with each other. FFX-2 is getting great reviews from the only two sources I trust, so I imagine it's a worthy successor to FFX.
I haven't played FFXI yet, but most of the reasons you're giving for it sucking is the money, not the gameplay. It may be a bit expensive, but that doesn't mean it's a horrible game.
I'm not some new-gen Final Fantasy lover that has never played the old games, either. I've played FF 2 and 3 US, and I have to say that I enjoyed the newer ones much more.
Now, onto Advent Children: a thread was posted about this a while ago that got like 1,000,000 replies. I posted a link to the trailer I uploaded. I admit that the movie looks really neat, but I just don't think making this a movie is a good idea. At all. Square has already said why they aren't making a sequel-game from FFVII. It would cost way too much money, take way too many resources, and have much too big of a fan-base to please to get anywhere with it. Can you imagine what a sequel would be like? Any changes in the game at all and many FFVII players would be furious. If Square didn't keep the same gameplay, same characters, same
everything then the company would be ridiculed. I say it's a good move to not make a game sequel. This way the
Wrath of FFVII Fanboy doesn't come down upon them.
Even after saying that I don't want a game-sequel, it doesn't mean I want a movie sequel. I think SquareEnix should leave a game that has a place in our memories alone. Fucking it up would not a be a good move on their part, and making a 40 hour long game that made RPGs cool in the US have an hour long DVD CG sequel has too many areas for screw-ups.