I've done a lot of testing with various optical and coax cables, and time after time, the coax has won out, even with very high quality true glass fiber cables. A big part of it IMO has to with the poor interface between the cable and the output jack. Most of the people who prefer the optical over the RCA typically have ground problems which cause noise/interference.
IMO, just stick with the RCA's and high quality cable/connectors, although even that isnt overly important when mp3 is the type of media.
BTW, when I did this testing, I used both Mirage and speakers of my own creation (a Wilson WATT clone of sorts using Scanspeak drivers), a Meridian 602 transport, a Denon DAC, various Meridian, B&K, Denon, and Mark Levinson amps, and various home-brewed and commercial cables. (I had finally settled on a particular coax cable and canary connectors with silver solder)