Nina moved in quickly, seeing Matt barely dodge the golem's attack. Holding her staff straight out in front of her, she created an energy field which burst forth from the end of the staff and shielded herself and Matt from the rock creatures temporarily. 'Now for a closer look...'
Nina edged up quickly to the golems, analyzing their solid bodies. She noted the identical cracks which seemed to run down from their shoulders, dividing their arms from their torsos. Also, the one on the right seemed to have a small crevice across his center.
She yelled back to Dreggan and Vanelee to aim for these areas.
Vanelee had already unleashed an arrow that had shattered part of one golem's "head." 'Amazing,' Nina thought, 'how could an arrow do that?' She glanced back for a moment and watched Vanelee prepare another arrow. He was steady and calm, even in the face of such strange creatures. Nina felt surprisingly safe knowing he was there.
talk is cheap, so i buy every word you said.
scared me half to death, now i'm half dead.
Last edited by Dixie; 11-23-2003 at 08:29 PM..