Originally posted by Scipio
Oh, and one other question. PortWineBoy said wiping out a vaio is a good way to go. I didn't know you could do that to laptops. I'm all about not having tons of crap on my machine. If I were getting another desktop, I would build my own and load it with illegal software.
So, can you wipe out laptops and reinstall? Does it void the warranty?
My only experience with warranties in this regard is Compaq as I've yet to have one of my IBMs serviced. (I support >50 notebooks, we just got rid of Compaqs for IBM, have a few Sonys). <p> On numerous occassions I've told Compaq support that I "ghosted" (wiped, installed my own OS image)a machine. They never said a word about it voiding anything. Now if I crack the case, that's a different matter. All the manufacturer really cares (in regards to warranty) about is the hardware. Anything software problematic winds up with "use the restore CDs that came with the laptop." At most they might care about your OS license but I can't imagine that happening. Just tell them you installed Linux. You pay for the OS license, it doesn't say you have to use it. Just don't expect Sony tech support to hold your hand if the penguin is on your boot screen. IBM might though...<p>and if for some reason you might want to run Linux, download the CD bootable version, Knoppix, for fun. Once I saw that my Compaq Armada M700 would work pretty well (wireless card and all) under Linux, I couldn't wait for my Mandrake downloads to complete. Knoppix doesn't change anything and the whole OS loads from the CD. I've since pasted over my M$ license with a penguin sticker. Doesn't help me get laid more often tho.