Originally posted by jawshoouh
i've got 3-4 weeks worth of clean drawers. make sure i never run out cuz you never know when you get into a near-fatal car accident and the nurse has to cut off your pants and lo-and-behold, crusty drawers. i even keep a clean back-up pair in my glove compartment
I know this is off topic but I know a guy who had a car accident and was wearing bright pink mesh bikinis ( at his GF's request).
the nurse almost fell over laughing when she saw them cause they were friends.
I have at least 7 clean pairs at any given time.
If you're travelling at the speed of light, and you turn the headlights on, do they do anything?
My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die!
Drink Dickens' Hard Cider because nothing makes a girl smile like a Hard DIckens' Cider!