I'm AB, one of the rarer ones :P
I try to give blood as regularly as i can since i became eligible (turned 18). So far i've given 8 times, with no problems, in fact, i'm done pretty fast.
The last time i did it, however, was weird. They poked my left arm, which was my regular donating arm, and in the beginning, it was fine. But after a while i felt that it was taking much longer than usual, so i asked the nurse if it was full. She checked, and found that the blood had stopped flowing out, and since it was for a while, the blood in the tube had clotted. The bag was only about halfway full. So they poked my other arm, but eventhough it started fine also, it stopped after a while. I was a bit worried, since i've not had any problems whatsoever before.
But anyway, i blame the nurse. I found out later that she pretty much a newbie, and i was the first she worked on that day o.o