If by chance you should win the lottery, and want to take the annual payment, for Christ's sake, Do NOT turn in the winning ticket right away.
Go see a good lawyer, establish a corporation/company in your name and then, once you are incorperated or whatever, then you present the winning ticket as property of said company. That way, even if you die, the company can still be paid the remaining annual payments.
As for me, I'd open up my own bar/restaurant. do it first class all the way, exactly the opposite way of all the shitholes that I've had the misfortune to work in and asshole bosses I'f had the misfortune to work for over the years. I'd also design my own house, from the ground up, in the prime location of my chosing, and probably buy a nice sailboat. That's about it.
Don't blame me... *I* voted for Kodos!