NBA Inside Drive 2004
I picked this game up this week and have been hopelessly addicted to it. It's Microsoft's NBA game for the Xbox and is on Live using their XSN service.
The graphics are excellent. Faces on the models look like the real players, crowd movements, etc. Yummy xbox lovin'.
The gameplay is excellent although there is one major flaw in it: I can easily just keep someone under the opposite basket, hail mary the ball to him, and he has an easy dunk. Works every time. I learned that trick on Xbox Live.
XSN is a great idea, but it needs some refinements. I can't seem to get away from the annoying 14 year olds and find mature gamers. It's also really difficult to get a reliable person to meet me online for a game.
The commentary is the worst part of the game. They constantly refer to a shot as a "jimmy" and it just sounds like they are making insane amounts of sexual references. A lot of times it isn't seamless as well, and you can easily tell they are filling in a blank. I have just started muting the game.
Anyone else played the game? What do you think of it?
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