Originally posted by VitaminH
No, I don't think that makes very much sense at all. If the Cubans had done it, whether or not the US government covered up the evidance of it on site, they couldn't have stopped Castro from claiming responsibility, which he very much would have done, espeically considering Russia had his back he wouldn't have been all to concerned about war. Cuba would not have done it in retaliation for any failed attempt on Castro and sat silently snickering when they could have the world know that they killed the US President.
I disagree with this reasoning.
If the cubans claimed responsibility, then the US may have had to go to war with them. The US public would have been furious, and perhaps would have demanded nothing less. It would have been bad for everyone -- the US, Cuba, and Russia.
By staying silent, the Cubans not only had their victory, but they actually got the US Govt to cover their tracks. In a way, this would be the sweetest retaliation.
Castro didn't need everyone in the world to know that he killed JFK -- the people at the top of the govt would have known, and that would have gotten them off of his back. They were the only ones he needed to send a message to.