I had long hair when I got engaged but cut a good portion off shortly before we got married. Then again I get it even shorter when I got pregnant and lastly when hubby and I seemed to have a renewal in our relationship (went through some bumps and worked them out) then I got it cut real short - boyish short almost. I have noticed that my reason for cutting it shorter is that I'm tired of the way things are in general and WANT things to change or I'm already going through a change that I view as positive or exciting. I think the coorelation you've seen with women cutting it when they end a relationship may simply (JMHO) be showing an outward CHANGE of an inward CHANGE of mind or emotion. BTW I have recently decided to let my hair grow long again. I've had enough of the short hair.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.