I have found that the quality of my education experience increased greatly when I stopped trying to "go with the flow". The school has to make sure you meet certain minimum standards. If they didn't, the degree wouldn't mean anything. This isn't to say that you wouldn't have gotten anything, but your degree has to signify that everyone who has earned it has satisfied some sort of requirement. However, this doesn't have to be, and in my opinion, should not be the extent of your education. So I decided to let the school get what they need from me (a willingness to jump through their hoops) but I wouldn't be shy about taking what I want from the school. This means being an active participant in my own education and challenging the school and my teachers to meet my demands as well. Most teachers will be pleasantly surprised by someone who engages them, even if it is challenging. From what I have seen, truly hungry students are rare, and schools are eager to feed them when asked.
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam
Last edited by ubertuber; 11-22-2003 at 01:52 PM..