I think I'm qualified to give you some advice on this point, as my roommate has recently been diagnosed with herpes and we have been asking a lot of questions and getting a lot of answers.
First of all, don't lose hope. You can have sexual relations with this girl and not be at risk of contracting herpes. If you do have sex with her, make sure she's not having an outbreak (no lesions) and use a condom for added security.
As far as the distance thing is concerned, I've had to handle that a few times as well. What it all comes down to is how much are you willing to sacrifice for her? If you feel like you love this chick, then you'll know what you have to do. Otherwise, I would just take it one day at a time. It may be easer just to be involved casually with her and not limit yourself. Good luck!
talk is cheap, so i buy every word you said.
scared me half to death, now i'm half dead.