Keep in mind that the concept of a "University" has changed radically since it was first fostered by the Greeks several thousand years ago....
The purpose of "higher education" has not changed since it began; it is still to produce a segment of society which has had the benefit of additional sources of experience, writing, discussion and debate. I would find it quite unfair to blame the university for any divergence from this goal; rather, I would lay the blame squarely where it belongs: with the students and instructors too lazy (or, God forbid, too stupid) to properly pursue this goal.
I've found that the instructors who do cave in to the "whiners" are usually Graduate Students who have a teaching position within a department. Most full Professors - and many of the Associate Professors - where I am attending school will not put up with such behavior, and any damned fool stupid enough to try it might just see their grade drop instead!
Remember that, at the University level, school exists for you to educate yourself. Professors and other faculty and staff members are there to help you, but all the responsibility rests on your shoulders. I highly recommend scheduling frequent meetings with your instructors during their office hours, as this will also provide you with the chance to review any questionable areas of either lectures or assignments in the proper environment; don't go in expecting to change the grade, and instructors (I've found) will open up to you for a much more productive meeting.
Lastly, "Liberal Arts" in the U.S. tends to be more a description of an education type than a specific education result. These days that title signifies that the person who holds it has studied in a multitude of areas, but is not necessarily well-versed in any of them. Review your current academic plan; if you find that your studies would lend themselves to another type of degree, then by all means consider changing your degree program.
Good luck!