I hadn't really heard of it until I got to college this year. I suppose it was one of those movies that slipped under my radar when it came out, as I wasn't really into movies that much then. So my friend sent me a divx of it. I tried watching it, but kept getting distracted (and the divx froze up and repeated "Thank you Thomas" over and over again... really creepy). So finally I tracked down someone who had it on tape, and watched it with a bunch of friends, most of whom had never seen it, either. We were riveted. So then I decided I wanted a copy. I couldn't find one anywhere... and I didn't have a dvd player at that point, so I was trying to find video. I finally found it at BJs of all places, and have watched it many, many times since then. There are so many small things that you don't notice the first time you watch it. Each time, you notice more things that you hadn't seen before. It's an amazing movie, and I'm going to read the book, just haven't had a chance yet.
I'd rather be climbing...
I approach college much like a recovering alcoholic--one day at a time...