I fear my state school is much the same in problems. One thing i noticed is that the classes seemed to be divided into two factions: The kids who study and go to class when they want and when they feel it necessary, and accept the grades they get as a direct result of the amount of work they put in accordingly, and the others, the whiney kids who are used to getting everything they want and will sit in a prof's office after a test and argue syntax and beotch and moan over a few points until the prof gets so fed up with it they up their grade. I once met a girl who said "Oh I get A's in all my classes because I just won't leave the professor alone until he ups my test grades to an A."
I have never argued a grade on a test, excepting maybe once or twice when i found a mistake in the grading that was blatenly obvious.
Here it is much the same way with politics as LJ up there described. Most students unfortunately are sheep who just follow what the flyers tell them to do or whatever is 'cool' to be protesting this week, rather than looking into issues and forming their own opinions. Free thought my ass.
"Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever."
- Napoleon Bonaparte