Originally posted by annie1
hey, i know what radio station you are talking about, did you ever hear what happened when he sent the tape to his dad?
Well, here's what I know so far... last Monday they brought the guy into the studio, autheticated that he was in these tapes, made fun of him for wearing only socks in one, made fun of the waterbed slish-sloshing around, eventually had him pick one tape and then it was going to be sent off.
Then, the next day, the head DJ was having second thoughts about the whole stunt and was gonna call it off. This was because he thought the guy was participating in the stunt only to spite his parents.. and that it was counter to the original intent of the stunt. So he told the other DJs not to send the tape, but through some mis-communication, the tape got sent out anyway.
Unfortunately, I was unable to hear the rest of what happened. I'm probably gonna e-mail the DJ to see if he can fill me in on the rest. If he does, I'll post here with an update.