Thread: 1911
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Old 11-21-2003, 02:54 PM   #20 (permalink)
Location: SE USA
As an aside, I've thought MANY Times about picking up a 1911-A!. While I've no great love for the gun, the 1911-A1 is one of the THE classic designs. I enjoy the various customs and have often thought about building one. In the end though, the simplest, bare bones 1911's are the ones that draw me back. As such, the 1991-A1 and Springfield Armory's GI Issue parkerized offering keep catching my eye.

I think what I dislike about them is the slide trigger. I grew up a revolver man, and still am. As such, all the autos that I like have hinge triggers (you'll note my comment above about the P-35). As a result, I've found myself looking HARD at Para-Ordnance's LDA .45 and feel my resolve weakening. I had a P14-45 and thought it a great gun that just didn't agree with my hand. The LDA might solve that problem, and then I could happily own and shoot THE seminal American auto-pistol.
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