I was reading the transcripts to the Tuesday press report by Tressel. I was interested to hear what he had to say about the fights. He said that there were 4 students that were out too late and that they told him that they were trying to stop a fight. who knows, but it sounds like that lawyer is a prick. Most of em are and he is trying to make things sounds worse then they are. But seriously, how do you watch 50-60 kids at all times to make sure they don't get in any trouble.
Also the biggest reason people don't like Miami is bacause they are jack asses on the field, and off.
It's hard to remember we're alive for the first time
It's hard to remember we're alive for the last time
It's hard to remember to live before you die
It's hard to remember that our lives are such a short time
It's hard to remember when it takes such a long time