Originally posted by Jdoe
I have heard there might be a new law in California that doesn't allow someone who has settled once to settle again. I have no idea if this is true, pure romour. Does anyone out there know for sure?
Um... This is an ENTIRELY different case... So he could technically settle.. simply because it wouldn't be AGAIN.. that was a different time, different case. I don't know how you could pull that off. That means if you're in a car wreck and you sue, you decide not to settle because you might only get 2 grand out of it... and then you're completely ruining your chance later in life where you could settle for more. Catch my drift?
Originally posted by Dano069
Has he turned himself in yet? Or is he getting plastic surgery done on his asshole to make entry easier?
I'm completely ignoring this. Some people convicted.. you just posted something all out rude.
Originally posted by skysooner
Michael Jackson's money got him off the first time. I doubt it will this time. Pedophiles are generally not cured. He needs to be put away if the allegations are proven true.
Ok... 2 more cents from me. Now picture this.. There is a big trial trying to convict you of something you did not do. Oh, lets also point out the the opposing lawyer is doing a decent job BSing your way into prison. Now.. You don't want to go to prison because you are innocent. Well you could always just do a settlement. Also as someone else said, Trials are a waste of money and time.. better to get on with your life than to waste it day after day with a trial.
Many people say, "Money Talks." Yes, this is true, but WHAT the money speaks for isn't always known. Just because you give someone 5 bucks to shut up because he's calling you gay, doesn't mean you're gay, it might just be because you want him to shut the hell up. (which sadly might have been why he was calling you gay in the first place.)