Originally posted by charliex
i have to say i find it a tad hyocritical you seemingly complain about the woman being unethical when you are reading someone elses email. If you can't tell the difference between regular emails and some spam bot type of thing bogging down an email queue that makes you read each email, well i dunno.
then again everyone doing something seemingly wrong to others always has justification for it, i'm sure she does too.
everyone has their skeletons, half the sysadmins i know have the biggest network share of mp3s and porno
Actaully, from a legal perspective he has a
right to read any company email he so chooses. The courts have said time and again that you cannot expect privacy at work in refrence to internet use/abuse. In fact, no one has a right to internet privacy at work.
And the company has no obligation to inform you at any time that they can view all you view. The courts have ruled that the knowledge of monitored access in a workplace is implicant in the use of a workplaces internet connection.