This article reminds me of Nietzsche's "The Antichrist". In "The Antichrist" Nietzsche writes about how decadent Christianity is because its followers gain power by having a dependecy upon the weakness of others. By having a group below them to look out for and compare themselves too they feel powerful, of course, this also creates a decadent system that relies on weakness for strength (not to mention it is totally external). I've always hated how so many fall into treating handicapped people like less than people rather than giving them a chance on a social level, at the least, to succeed and thrive on a level with anyone else. I passionately hate how people treat mentally handicapped people like they would treat dogs. Just because someone is different and has more challenges does not mean you need to treat them like they're less than human, does not mean you need to help sustain them in feeling less than human and dependent upon you, and it does not mean that they don't realize they are being treated differently. Give people a chance to really feel strong within themselves, to find their strengths... don't just focus on their weaknesses. Give all people this chance. Give yourself this chance.
And hurrah for Byron!