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Old 11-20-2003, 06:39 PM   #8 (permalink)
Location: The Kitchen
Originally posted by redravin40
I have worked for good bosses, mediocre bosses and terrible ones (I think there is a class in Chef school on how to be a complete asshole).
I've worked for more than a few lunatic chefs, and if there is a course, my last boss was the professor. I won't go into detail because if I start I'll rant for pages.

Basically he was the opposite of your list. He was a liar, a backstabber, an incompetent cook (homeless people turned down his cooking on a regular basis), and had severe anger issues.

What he was good at though was kissing ass. It was awe-inspiring and revolting to watch the way this guy had upper management wrapped around his finger. It took the three most senior employees (of a staff of 7)handing in written resignations on the same day to get management to finally get rid of him.
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