Originally posted by JoenOcoee
First off, I work for a large mental health company and before this I taught problem kids of all kinds, and I have to shout out loud once again, "WHAT DIP-SHIT UNDESERVING MORALY DELINQUINT PARENTS WOULD ALLOW THIER CHILD TO BE ALONE WITH JACKSON? I feel as though the parents of the abused kids should be brought up on child endangerment charges. If a parent wanted to take thier family to Neverland and hang out for a day, great. But to let your kid get into a bed with any adult outside of your most immediate family is unexcusable.
Secondly, when people use MJ's upbringing to defend his actions, they are enabling him. He has never been held accountable for his actions. I do not believe that Michael's upbringing in the late 60's and early 70's was remotely as 'horriffic' as it is portrayed. Why don't any of MJ's siblings display the same deviant behavior patterns? How can people allow MJ's 10 years of estranged childhood outweigh 30 years of adult actions?
Lastly, I must confess that a part of me feels God Awful bad/sorry/??? for Jackson. He's a guy that has such severe identity issuses that he literaly had a new body built for himself. He hasn't had a truly private moment in over 20 years. I doubt he has meet more than a handful of people in 20 years who have not either hated him or worshiped him. And as of Yesterday the ability for him to have a fair and speedy trial vanished.
In the end, this whole Jackson fiasco will waste thousands of hours and millions of dollars for all envolved.
I'm not saying that jacksons actions aren't partially his own fault, and i'm not really blaming it all on his childhood, but he did have a fucked up childhood. Moreso than the other kids. Why?, you ask.. because he was the youngest of the kids in the jackson 5.
He was Michael Jackson of the Jackson 5. He started with the jackson 5 when he was like 6 years old. He never had any friends when he was a kid. He didn't live a normal childhood like most people do. He did live a messed up weird twisted childhood. He was also the most known and loved member of the jackson 5.
All he wants now is to be a child again, thus the reason why he created neverland. He wasn't allowed to have a childhood, and when he was able to and not in control of his father, who could he trust? Who was he able to be friends with?
He had millions of dollars, only thought of music, lived in a house that is probably bigger than anyones houses on this board, and lived with a garaff, tiger and a monkey as his best friends. This was at 16, so obviously you could tell that he felt that he missed out on something at that age, and he's probably been feeling that way ever since.
I'm just saying that this is maybe why he's weird now, but in no way does this defend him for his actioins of he did some sick twisted shit though.
Also, i'm just wondering where you got this '30 years of adult action' and where it comes from?
To my knowledge, and from what i remember, the media and people in society started picking on MJ right when he started changing his image. Before that he was looked upon as a person who was loving, giving and full hearted. Every person who knows him sees this side of him, and tells people this, but no one listens.
I guess what i am asking is, what deviant behaviour patterns? And what actions has he had to be accountable for? All he has done is take some kids under his wing. At first it was viewed as a nice guy who is known and loved worldwide helping out some kids in need. Once he started changing what he looked like, it was 'now he's a sick guy who molests people'. Other than that, what actions? All he ever wanted was to help people!!! I just don't understand what actions he needs to be accountable for, and how you would know about these other actions and why you think that he wasn't punnished for anything that he did 'wrong'.
I do agree that jackson has some severe identity issuses. I think society just needs to put something on jackson to explain why he's so weird. People would me more at ease with why he's so weird if he is convicted of this.
So many things have blinded our eyes from who michael jackson is, and it's all because of the media and plastic surgery.
I suggest that everyone go back and watch some videos, and some interviews and things like that about/with michael jackson before all of this bullshit and come back and tell us what you think. Listen to his songs and come back and tell us what you think. The media is playing a huge role on a lot of things here.
Also, JoenOcoee, you are right. The only dipshits that would allow their kids to be alone with jackson are people who view him as family. However, if he is convicted and actually guilty, i agree, those parents probably have some problems. I honestly think it's just the fact that they view him as family. If he were as sick as the media is saying, all these other kids whom he 'molested' would come forward and say something. Why does someone come forward only every 10 years?