I can't stand Robot Wars and shows similar. Uhg. And it has nothing to do with the various poor anouncers.
They never really destroy eachother, which is what I would prefer to see. They just drive around, often with an unskilled driver at the controlls, until one gets flipped or stops working.
Is Robot Wars the one with the pit where one robot pushes the other one in and then smoke shoots out of the side of the pit? And the entire audience acts like that's cool? What might be cool is if the pit crushed the robot into a cube.
Although, I have never seen Razer but the name Hypno-Disc is familar, but I don't remember anything special. There was one episode where a "robot" had an ice-pick like thing that would dig into the other machine. If it would have been allowed to destroy the other machine, that would have been cool. Maybe that one was "Razer", but I didn't see anyone get thrown in a pit. Instead Razer and the lame machine built for flipping tried to take on one of the home machines.
If the home team would build really powerful machines and the contests had to try and beat them, that would rock.
.... But that's just my opinion.