First off, I work for a large mental health company and before this I taught problem kids of all kinds, and I have to shout out loud once again, "WHAT DIP-SHIT UNDESERVING MORALY DELINQUINT PARENTS WOULD ALLOW THIER CHILD TO BE ALONE WITH JACKSON? I feel as though the parents of the abused kids should be brought up on child endangerment charges. If a parent wanted to take thier family to Neverland and hang out for a day, great. But to let your kid get into a bed with any adult outside of your most immediate family is unexcusable.
Secondly, when people use MJ's upbringing to defend his actions, they are enabling him. He has never been held accountable for his actions. I do not believe that Michael's upbringing in the late 60's and early 70's was remotely as 'horriffic' as it is portrayed. Why don't any of MJ's siblings display the same deviant behavior patterns? How can people allow MJ's 10 years of estranged childhood outweigh 30 years of adult actions?
Lastly, I must confess that a part of me feels God Awful bad/sorry/??? for Jackson. He's a guy that has such severe identity issuses that he literaly had a new body built for himself. He hasn't had a truly private moment in over 20 years. I doubt he has meet more than a handful of people in 20 years who have not either hated him or worshiped him. And as of Yesterday the ability for him to have a fair and speedy trial vanished.
In the end, this whole Jackson fiasco will waste thousands of hours and millions of dollars for all envolved.
Remember kiddies, panic attacks can be fatal