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Old 11-20-2003, 12:57 AM   #1 (permalink)
Location: shittown, CA
So ya want to learn perl do ya?

I'm kinda on the bored side and since I have been picking up php lately I figured I'd follow in the spirit of the php newbies thread and make one for perl. Perl is often called the glue language because it is varey flexable and can be used in all sorts of situations for all sorts of purposes.

So lesson 1 - What makes a perl program? /Comments

# This is a comment

# Any time you want to make a comment
# you need to use the pound sign '#'

# now the key to running any perl program is the first line.
#    #! (read as pound-bang) followed by the path to your perl executable. 
# /usr/bin on my system. 
# this lines tells the system what kind of file this is and what to do with it.
So there ya go a perl program that does absolutly jack shit.
juanvaldes is offline  

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