Any normal person would have been put away a long time ago.
Pedophiles generally don't go for insanity. At least not the organized ones. Their lobbying consists mainly of "what is the right to say no worth if the kid doesn't have a right to say yes?" and infiltrating the homo lobby.
To me, no matter if MJ molested those kids or not, he's admitted to doing improper things with them. I'm not one of those people who freak out over a parent sitting in a sauna with their kids, but he's been over the limit already. With other people's children.
Yeah, he had a tragic childhood. But when the circle is closing, and victim becomes perpetrator, keeping things rolling, then my "poor you" changes very quickly into a "fuck you".
There are explanations, but no excuses. And people who hurt kids lose their humanity and all privileges that comes with it, in my eyes.
We're talking about people willing to destroy a kids life for half an hour of sexual gratitude.
So, for Michael Jackson, maybe he just likes kids. 12 year-old kids. A lot of them. When they're 12. And not after that. Maybe he doesn't molest them. Who knows. But he's still doing things with them that would cause social services to take away the kids of anyone here, and rightfully so.
I will not waste any sympathy on him. He loves kids, he says. He would never hurt a child, he says. Well, him and the rest of NAMBLA.
I don't really care what happens to him. As long as he never gets to be close to another kid again.
The above was written by a true prophet. Trust me.
"What doesn't kill you, makes you bitter and paranoid". - SB2000