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Old 11-19-2003, 09:40 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: With Jadzia
What Makes A Good Boss

I posted this in my journal but it seems like a subject that would be worth discussing.

I've been middle level management most of my life.
It is one of those thankless jobs where you have to explain to the top why the bottom isn't meeting the goals and explain to the bottom why the top has set goals that can't be met.
While I was not perfect, I think I did a fair job.
So it gives me some insight into what being a boss is about and what it isn't.
In previous posts I have talked about what being support staff is all about.
Being a boss means that you have to make sure your support staff are able to do their job.
This means you don't micro-manage, discipline your employees in public, treat people like they are less then human and think you are above the rules.
A boss should be able to do any job that his employees can (perhaps not as well but at least be competent).
The boss has to be willing to jump in and do the scut work when there is no one else to do it.
a boss must be consistent and fair, giving clear, well reasoned orders.
A good boss is passionate about what is being done but not at the expense of the people who do the work.
A good boss does not lie, make up the rules as they go along, show favoritism without cause (it's more then fair to give a good worker who cares about their job a little extra slack), and must respect their people.
Last and most important, a good boss backs his people.
No matter whether it is admin, another worker or a client who is doing the damage, a good boss steps up and either handles the situation or takes the hit themselves.
I have worked for good bosses, mediocre bosses and terrible ones (I think there is a class in Chef school on how to be a complete asshole).
The good ones don't always get to the top because they do care for their people.
Often a mediocre manager who is good at sliding in and out of upper level politics will move up faster.
And all too often a bad manager will be moved up because they don't care and are willing to do anything to get ahead.

Have I been all the things I listed a good boss should be when I was in charge?
I hope so and everyday I learn more about what it takes to be a supervisor I expect I could do a better job.

What do you think makes a good boss?
Have you seen examples of the best and the worse?
How have you handled things when you were in charge?
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