Matt came stomping back from the woods, a dead bear over his shoulder.
"Hi gu...."
A needle flew in his direction with great speed and accuracy. Matt ducked just in time to have the needle plant itself in the dead bear. It went so deep that you never would have known it was thrown in the first place.
"What was that for?"
"Sorry about that..." responded Dreggan, one hand on the back of his head.
"Anyway, like I was saying... Hi guys! I got us some breakfast! Just let me start a fire really quick and we'll be feasting on bear meat."
Matt started a fire with some sticks and straw. He had done this plenty of times in his time as a journeyman and liked to think he was getting pretty good at it. While the fire was building, he prepared the bear for roasting. He jumped into the air and knocked two branches from a tree with each arm. He then broke one of them in half and shoved the two halves on either side of the fire. He put the third one through the bear meat and began to roast it. He reached into his pack and pulled out some salts and oils. He turned to Dreggan smiling [OOC: Think ^.^], "See, I thought in advance. I got some for now and some for making it good later!" When he was finished, the meat looked fit for a king. It was a tender brown and the greasy aroma drifted across the woods. He slapped his head as he remembered somthing. "Be right back!" He ran into the woods in his usual speedy fashion, leaves flying up on either side of hiim as he ran. When he came back, he was carrying a large boulder which he threw into the air. He concentrated on it's motion a moment, and then jumped, punching it and sending debris flying away from the group and the meat, towards the woods. He then used his legs to jump off towards the debris. He grabbed four large flat pieces from the debris. He carried them back and tore the meat into four pieces. Three about 2 lbs in size and he other had the rest of the meat. He ran over to his companions with the first three. He handed one to nina who toppled a bit, being suprised by the weight of the stone. He then ran over to Vanelee and did the same. He set the third under Dreggan's tree. When he was done, he ran back to his and began to devour his share of the meat. About half way through he looked up and noticed his companions' food was untouched. "You guys eatin' or what?"