Originally posted by clavus
......When the nurse returned, she looked at me and smirked. She hefted my unit up onto my belly and covered the top..oh, 18 inches or so with the blanket “to keep everything out of the way.”
.....I’m sure if you ladies had scrotums, you’d pound them with bricks and wouldn’t even flinch. I don’t want to hear about it.
...I was so busy laying down my drug-induced comedy routine that I barely noticed when the doctor picked up what must have been H.R. Giger’s crochet hook and stuck it into my sack-hole.
Sweet GOD that was fuckin funny. I highlighted the areas that made me just DIE. Very clever, very sharp, just great all-around.
And when (<b>not</b> if) I get it done, I will invest in some very fine smokage and get high as fuckin humanly possible just before going in.
Great post!!