As I indicated, I was surprised at my reaction to this story and I thought I'd be as honest as possible about my feelings. As you know, I don't talk about my feelings much. But this one strikes deep.
Here's how it looks so far. You'll recall, I did put the statement about the legal presumption of innocence in the thread starting post. Of course, that is the correct judgement to make at this time - speaking rationally.
All of the feelings expressed here have their validity in human terms. And they amount to a fascinating reflection of our hearts and minds. Thanks for that. You did convince me to make the thread title more of an opening - even though I am sticking with my original post.
Beyond that, if I would want to clarify one thing, it would be that to those feel this way, the admissions he has already made are simply unacceptable in human terms. Some of us - me included - do not accept the proposition that a 45-year-old man can sleep with an unrelated child in any healthy way - his protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.
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