Originally posted by IckUber
X-Box is not needed, we already have computers. I can get anygame thats good on that system, on the Gamecube or PS2 OR PC INCLUDING HALO. I dont like the controller, and specs arent everything. PS2 is all you need, aside from a computer. My gamecube is just for the kid inside me, for zelda, metrioid, mario, and now that square is back with nintendo, im glad i made that choice.
It might be possible to play a majority of XBox games on PC, but it's also possible to play a majority of GC and PS2 games on PC if you know what you're doing. XBox is a videogame console, not just a PC game porter or vice versa. It has many great games just as the other two consoles do. XBox has one HUGE advantage over PCs as well: compatibility. No stupid driver updates, no idiotic error messages about having anti-virus installed, no videocard or RAM upgrades, and no random crashes to the desktop. XBox games work on XBox's. I wish the same could be said about PCs...not all PC games work on computers how they're supposed to. That's one thing consoles will have over computers for a long damn time: easy to use gaming. No errors, no extra money, no compatibility issues. Games WILL work on their respective consoles. PC games simply aren't like that. Consoles are designed to play videogames...PC's aren't. They simply have the ability to play games designed around the technology available.