Vanelee watched the vacumn shield disperse as quickly as it had been summoned by Nina, and Nina drop to her knees from the exhaustion of the fight.
Seeing this, Vanelee ran to her side and caught her before she hit the ground. Her hair was slightly singed at the ends, and bits of ash were smeared across her face. It looked as if she had traveled through the brimstone of Hell and back.
Laying her small frame down on the ground gently, Vanelee looked up upon hearing Matt's question.
He answered, "Yes please Matt. If you'd be so kind. I think she could use it."
Matt tossed the elf the red potion and Vanelee fumbled as he caught it. It appeared that Matt had regained his strength quickly, because the potion was thrown with a bit of muster.
Tilting Nina's chin back ever so slightly so that her mouth opened, Vanelee poured the healing potion into her mouth. Taking care not to spill any.
"I think she will be fine in the morning, which is only a few hours away. I think we should just go ahead and set up camp here, to get some rest before continuing the journey." Vanelee suggested.
After seeing his other companions shake their heads in agreeance, Vanelee set about preparing his place to sleep. He removed a small sleeping mat he wore slung over his back under his cloak and set it on the ground. He positioned himself on the ground, not to close to Nina, but close enough so that he could see to it she slept peacefully.
Before he laid down to go to sleep, Vanelee removed Nina's old cloak, folding it in thirds so that he could use as a pillow for her. He then removed the new cloak he had boughten for her and laid it over top of her like a blanket. As he did this, he heard a slight growl from a wolf who had appeared from the woods, and joined Nina at her side. He never attacked Vanelee, just growled lowly and watched his every movement.
After seeing to it that Nina was fast asleep, Vanelee turned to his other companions. Matt was searching his bag for any left over morsel of food, and Dreggan was searching the clearing to see if the gargoyles had dropped anything of value during their battle.
Sensing that they were being watched, they both looked up to see Vanelee smiling sheepishly at them.
"Great fighting you two. I am sorry that I wasn't much help. I was going to step in, but you two seemed to have no touble dispatching of our enemies."
With this, Vanelee turned on his side away from his companions and began to drift to sleep, but only into a light sleep. His senses were still on alert, ready if they came under attack.