There is a difference between steroids and supplements, and they got tested positive for the latter.
Many athletes take supplements to improve their performances. These supplements have been tested, regulated, and determined to be safe for consumption. They are all "supplements" being that your body can get them from other natural means ex. from foods or by its own synthesis. Anabolic steroids, are man-made hormones similar to the male hormone testosterone and are unsafe and illegal.
Supplements are great if you can afford them. They wont make an insane improvement to your progress, but you will notice slightly quicker gains. Steroids, on the otherhand, will notice huge gains in short periods of time. I would venture to say that 100% of all pro athletes use some sort of supplement (there would be no reason NOT to). Unfortunatly sometimes the reward is greater than the risk in some of their eyes and they choose to also do a cycle of steroids so that they can have huge gains in a shorter amount of time.