You seem to need to defend your willingness to kill by attaching restrictive and defensible conditions ("ONLY in self defense, or to protect my loved ones"). And even then, some of you seem ashamed to admit it, or are afraid that others might think less of you because you are willing and able to take the lives of others.
All of your posts have suggested that there is in each an everyone of us an innate capacity to kill for no reason at all - an animal instict (i believe you called it) that is suppressed by years of social moray's and "proper upbringing."
The only instict that comes into play in this realm is survival. That is found in every animal species, not the instinct to kill for no reason at all. Animals obviously don't/can't justify when they kill, because, well - their animals. But name me one animal species that kills randomly and is not motivated by one of the conditions you mentioned above that you trivialize and write off as some sort of defense mechanism to suppress our instinct to kill randomly and go eat lunch at the local deli with a second thought.