1.How am I going to make my dreams come true?
2.If the best things in life are free.....Why do I have to work 46 hours a week to survive?
3.Who/What is our creator?
4.Why do I feel like no one likes me, even when others tell me many do?
5.Do vegatarians eat animal crackers?
6.Why does the goverment say it's wrong to kill, only to send solders off to war?
7.Why do religious people say it's wrong to kill, then claim non-believers should die, and burn in hell
8.Does anybody care?
9.Why do I care?
10.Do you care?
All ideas in this communication are sole property of the voices in my head. (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 "The Voices" (TM). All rights reserved.