I remember years ago sitting it my stupid SCUBA diving class day-dreaming, and drawing which ship would win in a battle: The Enterprise, or a Star Destroyer. It’s a tough call: the Enterprise had "main energizers" off line every time someone threw a soda bottle at them. They always lost warp power, but they always 'reconfigured'.
The Enterprise has 1,000(?) people on board? According to the books, the Star Destroyers have like 30,000 people? (Am I remembering that right?) It would be cool to see swarms of TIE's attacking.
So could the SD win just with numbers – it all depends on who gets the first shot.
As you can see, I had lots of time to doodle while I'm supposed to be learning about DCS…
I am such a geek…
When I jerk off I feel good for about twenty seconds and then WHAM it's right back into suicidal depression